Webinar: Montgomery County's Updated Human Rights Law: New Workplace Provisions, Enforcement Priorities, and Best Practices for Trial
Thursday, April 15, 2021, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Category: MWELA Events
A free webinar co-sponsored by MWELA and the Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland.
Learn about important updates to the Montgomery County Human Rights Act and how these changes will affect the pursuit and defense of employment discrimination claims in Montgomery County Circuit Court. We will focus on 2021 enforcement priorities and best practices — both administratively and in court— with a panel that includes the director of the Montgomery County Human Rights Office, a Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge, and experienced practitioners on both sides of the aisle.
We are applying for CLE in Virginia and Pennsylvania. Approval is pending.
12:00 PM - Opening remarks: Thomas M. DeGonia II, President, Bar Association of Montgomery County, Maryland
12:05 PM - Panel Presentation
Speakers: Hon. Ronald B. Rubin, Associate Judge, Montgomery County Circuit Court James L. Stowe, Director, Montgomery County's Office of Human Rights Cathy A. Harris, Esq., Kator, Parks, Weiser, & Harris, PLLC Thomas L. McCally, Esq., Carr Maloney, PC
Moderator: R. Scott Oswald, Esq., The Employment Law Group, PC
1:15 PM - Q & A
View a recording of this program here.