Resolving Discovery Disputes in Maryland’s Federal and State Courts
Thursday, April 03, 2025, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Category: MWELA Events
Resolving Discovery Disputes in Maryland’s Federal and State CourtsA free webinar co-sponsored by the MWELA Bench Bar Committee, the Bar Association of Montgomery County and the FBA-Maryland Chapter.Please join us on April 3, 2025, for a panel on how to avoid and resolve discovery disputes in federal and state courts in Maryland. Two experienced judges in Maryland, one on the federal bench and the other on the state bench, will compare and contrast the procedures, substance, and practices between their courts. In addition, you will hear from two practitioners on best practices in addressing and resolving common discovery disputes in federal and state court. This event does not offer CLE credit. Registrants will receive Zoom login details on the day before the event.
This webinar will be conducted over Zoom. Please Note: Click to Register