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Summary Judgment Practice in E.D. VA
Thursday, December 12, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
Category: MWELA Events

Summary Judgment Practice in E.D. VA

A free webinar presented by the MWELA Bench Bar Committee, Metro Richmond Women’s Bar Association and Federal Bar Association - Richmond Chapter

Long serving judge in the Eastern District of Virginia will share her wisdom on what matters most to her in the briefing at summary judgment stage. Hear too from two experienced federal practitioners on how they position their cases. The best practices in anticipation of summary judgment hearing.

This event does not offer CLE credit. Registrants will receive Zoom login details on the day before the event.

Opening remarks



Amy E. Smith, President
Metro Richmond Women’s Bar Association

 Noah Oberlander


Noah S. Oberlander, President
Federal Bar Association -  Richmond Chapter 


Panel Presentation



Hon. M. Hannah Lauck
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia 


Barbara Queen 
Lawrence Queen 



Laura D. Windsor
Williams Mullen 


R. Scott Oswald,
Managing Principal
The Employment Law Group, P.C. 

This webinar will be conducted over Zoom.

Please Note:
- Advanced registration is required to receive the Zoom link.
- CLE is not offered for this program. Recording is not permitted.

Click to Register


Thank you to our event Co-hosts
